Npm start后出现的问题!!急

WebpackOptionsValidationError: Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialised using a configuration object that does not match the API schema.
 - configuration.entry should be one of these:
   object { <key>: non-empty string | [non-empty string] } | non-empty string | [non-empty string] | function
   -> The entry point(s) of the compilation.
    * configuration.entry should not be empty.
      -> Multiple entry bundles are created. The key is the chunk name. The value can be a string or an array.
    * configuration.entry should be a string.
      -> An entry point without name. The string is resolved to a module which is loaded upon startup.
    * configuration.entry should be an array:
      [non-empty string]
    * configuration.entry should be an instance of function
      -> A Function returning an entry object, an entry string, an entry array or a promise to these things.
    at webpack (D:\dltx\recruiter_client\recruiter-client\node_modules\webpack\lib\webpack.js:19:9)
    at setupCompiler (D:\dltx\recruiter_client\recruiter-client\node_modules\roadhog\lib\runServer.js:100:38)
    at run (D:\dltx\recruiter_client\recruiter-client\node_modules\roadhog\lib\runServer.js:252:3)
    at D:\dltx\recruiter_client\recruiter-client\node_modules\roadhog\lib\runServer.js:273:7
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)
TypeError: Cannot read property 'plugin' of undefined
    at setupCompiler (D:\dltx\recruiter_client\recruiter-client\node_modules\roadhog\lib\runServer.js:105:12)
    at run (D:\dltx\recruiter_client\recruiter-client\node_modules\roadhog\lib\runServer.js:252:3)
    at D:\dltx\recruiter_client\recruiter-client\node_modules\roadhog\lib\runServer.js:273:7
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)